by Harold Kurtz, Frontier Fellowship's first director This reflection was originally published in Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship’s “The Frontier and You” newsletter, Fall, 2005 edition. Two years... read more →
by Richard Haney, Executive Director During my dissertation studies, I read several philosophers who referred to the philosophical problem of “the One and the Many.” The haunting question... read more →
by Donald Marsden, Associate Director Today I'm thinking about one of the stories of Jesus told about a shepherd who had 100 sheep. One of those sheep went... read more →
by Giny Roundy, Former Frontier Fellowship board member Harold Kurtz always was looking beyond. “Where are there other unreached peoples?” One time I remember him reporting on a... read more →
by Frontier Fellowship's Communications Team As we enter our 40th year of frontier mission mobilizing ministry, we are reflecting on the goodness and faithfulness of God. Key people, partnerships and... read more →
by Kristin Huffman, Associate Director Remember the bumper car rides at carnivals and theme parks? 2020 has felt a lot like that ride to me. It seems like... read more →
by Rita Johnson, Associate Director "For I do hope to see you on my journey and to be sent on by you, once I have enjoyed your company... read more →
by Rita Johnson, Associate Director Frontier Fellowship's staff, along with a board member and some family members, traveled to Thailand and Myanmar in January to discover together how... read more →
by Katie Archibald-Woodward, multimedia storyteller + ministry friend Frontier Fellowship's staff, along with a board member and some family members, traveled to Thailand and Myanmar in January to... read more →
by Katie Archibald-Woodward, multimedia storyteller + ministry friend Frontier Fellowship's staff, along with a board member and some family members, traveled to Thailand and Myanmar in January to... read more →