by Tara Chase, Frontier Fellowship Communications Director And so we come to the end of our Advent journey. As we welcome the Christ Child into our world, we... read more →
by Rev. Dr. Kristin Huffman, Frontier Fellowship Associate Director Why do we often lose our wonder as we grow up? My granddaughter, Cora, just turned two. I love... read more →
by Jenny Rose Wilson, Nurse Midwife I’ve long been captivated by the book of Revelation’s visions of worship—rich arrays of color, sound, language, rhythm and dance from every... read more →
by Hannah Teague, Frontier Fellowship Creative Director Micah 4:1–5 paints the picture of a flourishing world, free from war, want or fear. Weapons are transformed to dig up... read more →
by April McAllister, Frontier Fellowship Summer 2018 Intern One afternoon, as I was doing some research for my internship and pondering the night’s dinner, I stumbled across this... read more →
by Rev. Dan McNerney, Frontier Fellowship Associate Director When Jesus was born, angels heralded the announcement that God was doing something new: “I am bringing you good news... read more →
by Rev. LJ Jaworski, Pastor of Mission for Third Church, Richmond, Virginia In my work as a mission pastor, I have the privilege of hearing stories of the... read more →
by Nancy Von Schimmelmann, Frontier Fellowship Mission Advocate Mary graciously embraced the Lord's calling to an unheard-of task. Her joyful Magnificat (Luke 1:46–55) shows her maturity and depth... read more →
by Dr. Urgessa Biru, Director of Light of Hope Ministry Ethiopia Isaiah lived and ministered during turbulent times in the history of the divided kingdoms of Israel and... read more →
by Rev. Juan Sarmiento, Associate Director for Mission for The Outreach Foundation A crowd of people—mostly Muslims—had gathered to celebrate in the ancient medina quarter of a North... read more →