by Richard Haney, Executive Director Executive Director Richard Haney will be presenting his paper, “The Ruthwell Cross Reconsidered: An Object Lesson in Material Art as a Bridge between Textual and Oral Messages,” at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies next month. Here he shares some thoughts about the... read more →
by Tara Chase, Frontier Fellowship Communications Director And so we come to the end of our Advent journey. As we welcome the Christ Child into our world, we welcome Emmanuel, the God who has been with us all along. We rejoice that every hope and fear held captive... read more →
by Rev. Dr. Kristin Huffman, Frontier Fellowship Associate Director Why do we often lose our wonder as we grow up? My granddaughter, Cora, just turned two. I love watching her discover new things—shapes that match, sweet and sour tastes, words, dances and twirls. Surprises and changes of direction.... read more →
by Jenny Rose Wilson, Nurse Midwife I’ve long been captivated by the book of Revelation’s visions of worship—rich arrays of color, sound, language, rhythm and dance from every culture. Glorious! As I reflect on today’s passage, a startling question arises: Who is it difficult to imagine being a... read more →
by Hannah Teague, Frontier Fellowship Creative Director Micah 4:1–5 paints the picture of a flourishing world, free from war, want or fear. Weapons are transformed to dig up neglected soil and cultivate life. People once devoted to military strategy rest in the shade of their fruit trees. They... read more →
by April McAllister, Frontier Fellowship Summer 2018 Intern One afternoon, as I was doing some research for my internship and pondering the night’s dinner, I stumbled across this phrase: “The most delicious dishes are simmered slowly, allowing the complexity of the flavors to sink in.” As I thought... read more →
When Jesus was born, angels heralded the announcement that God was doing something new: “I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:10–11 NRSV).... read more →
by Rev. LJ Jaworski, Pastor of Mission for Third Church, Richmond, Virginia In my work as a mission pastor, I have the privilege of hearing stories of the transformation that happens as God makes all things new around the world. Recently, a missionary serving in Central Asia shared... read more →
by Nancy Von Schimmelmann, Frontier Fellowship Mission Advocate Mary graciously embraced the Lord's calling to an unheard-of task. Her joyful Magnificat (Luke 1:46–55) shows her maturity and depth of faith. But as she likely met with skepticism from her family and Joseph’s, and when her wedding became a... read more →
by Dr. Urgessa Biru, Director of Light of Hope Ministry Ethiopia Isaiah lived and ministered during turbulent times in the history of the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah. As the Assyrian Empire advanced, threatening to overtake them, Isaiah predicted that their fear and despair would be replaced... read more →