by Donald Marsden, Associate Director Yassir Eric was born into a resolutely religious Muslim family in Sudan. As a young man he hated all Christians and always said they should be eradicated from the community. During school holidays he traveled with his friends to the south of Sudan... read more →
by Rita Johnson, Associate Director "Have mercy on me, O God. Have mercy on me. For in you I have taken shelter. In the shadow of your wings I take shelter until trouble passes." ... read more →
by Kristin Huffman, Associate Director “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” —1 John 3:1 NIV Early Easter morning I went on a walk around my quiet neighborhood in San Antonio,... read more →
by Rita Johnson, Associate Director I alone am left, and they are seeking my life, to take it away. —1 Kings 19:10b + 14b Unlike Elijah in this passage, there is no person pursuing us seeking revenge. But there is a virus that is still not under control... read more →
by Nancy Von Schimmelmann, Mission Advocate From that moment in Gethsemane—for three agonizing, eternal days, through the morning of Easter—they waited, holed up in a room, not knowing what would happen next. It had come upon them unexpectedly (although they had been warned). They feared; they grieved. Only... read more →
Dear friends, I’m grateful for the personal details recorded by the Apostle John about what he heard in the upper room hours before Jesus journeyed to the cross. In one of the most profound and intimate moments of scripture, we get a glimpse into Jesus' prayer to the... read more →
by Donald Marsden, Associate Director God’s word tells us, “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a real blessing” (Psalm 127:3 GNT). But during the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of parents are suddenly stuck at home vexed by cabin fever and thinking, “What are we going... read more →
by Donald Marsden, Associate Director About 40 years ago, after graduating from college, I entered into a mission internship as a youth worker serving in the German Evangelische Church of West Berlin, Germany. During that time, as part of a group of young interns, I had the privilege... read more →
Dear friends, During this coronavirus season, we can think of many reasons to be afraid—becoming sick myself, enduring isolation, dealing with financial woes, anxious that the medical resources are not sufficient, worried about friends and loved ones… When I experience anxiety or fear, I tend to lose hope.... read more →
Dear friends, I read in the papers yesterday about the death toll from COVID-19 in Italy now exceeding China’s tally. And there are reports today of a possible outbreak in the Syrian refugee camps. Countless reports from all around the world form a narrative clearly marked “tragedy.” The... read more →