by Kristin Huffman, Associate Director In 1954, Shanti Solomon, an Indian woman, founded the Fellowship of the Least Coin as a coalition of support between women worldwide working towards “peace, justice and reconciliation. It was to be a project of Christian prayer and positive action in which every... read more →
by Richard Haney, Executive Director April showers soon will bring forth May flowers. But before we turn the calendar page, I remind you that April is celebrated as National Poetry Month. You might think, as I once did, that Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Black History Month and National... read more →
by Harold Kurtz, Frontier Fellowship's first director This reflection was originally published in Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship’s “The Frontier and You” newsletter, Fall, 2005 edition. Two years ago, I was asked to speak about Africa at a community Women's Day celebration in the Church in Siberia. I... read more →
by Richard Haney, Executive Director During my dissertation studies, I read several philosophers who referred to the philosophical problem of “the One and the Many.” The haunting question can take many forms. Is the universe more like a single reality or a complex set of interlocking pieces? Is... read more →
by Donald Marsden, Associate Director Today I'm thinking about one of the stories of Jesus told about a shepherd who had 100 sheep. One of those sheep went missing. The shepherd went out looking for that one lost sheep. From an economic standpoint, you might think it doesn't... read more →
by George Pendergrass, Associate Director George and Pamela Pendergrass are Frontier Fellowship’s newest Associate Directors. They are passionate about mobilizing churches of color in the US to engage in new ways with frontier mission. George shares here a bit about their experience as Black leaders in mission. ... read more →
by Mike Robison, former Frontier Fellowship Associate Director We are saddened to hear of the passing of Woody Busse, long-time friend and former staff member of Frontier Fellowship. Woody was passionate about bringing the Gospel to the places and peoples still without access. He strengthened our organization in... read more →
by Giny Roundy, Former Frontier Fellowship board member Harold Kurtz always was looking beyond. “Where are there other unreached peoples?” One time I remember him reporting on a trip to Siberia. He had gone out to a village with a man who was sharing the Good News of... read more →
by Frontier Fellowship's Communications Team As we enter our 40th year of frontier mission mobilizing ministry, we are reflecting on the goodness and faithfulness of God. Key people, partnerships and events have shaped us into who we are today. We are honored to share our history with you throughout 2021,... read more →
by Richard Haney, Executive Director On January 4, 1981, Ralph and Roberta Winter sat down with Harold Kurtz at the kitchen table in his Portland home. They were there on a mission to persuade and recruit him for a frontier mission movement beginning among US churches. Years earlier,... read more →