by Donald Marsden, Associate Director I normally travel quite a bit in my work. The inability to travel, to be physically close to people, has caused my colleagues and me to search for new ways to be close to our global partners. Zoom and other video conferencing tools... read more →
by Sharon R. Hoover, Frontier Fellowship board member + author of Mapping Church Missions: A Compass for Ministry Strategy Presence is a cornerstone of our faith. Jesus Christ, God with us, walked among us to introduce the new Kingdom come. And yet today, under the cloud of a... read more →
by Rita Johnson, Associate Director Frontier Fellowship's staff, along with a board member and some family members, traveled to Thailand and Myanmar in January to discover together how the Good News of Jesus is being made known to people groups in this part of the Buddhist world. Here,... read more →
by Richard Haney, Executive Director George Floyd died in custody of four policemen on Memorial Day in Minneapolis. On a day set aside for remembering people who have died serving their country, his tragic death is a stark reminder of injustice and suffering that continues to divide our... read more →
by Katie Archibald-Woodward, multimedia storyteller + ministry friend Frontier Fellowship's staff, along with a board member and some family members, traveled to Thailand and Myanmar in January to discover together how the Good News of Jesus is being made known to people groups in this part of the... read more →
by Rev. Dr. Mehrdad Fatehi, Executive Director of Pars Theological Centre, a Frontier Fellowship global partner “We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars..." —2 Corinthians 4:7 (NLT) “This is agony, Lord, have pity on me! It is agony!... read more →
by Katie Archibald-Woodward, multimedia storyteller + ministry friend Frontier Fellowship's staff, along with a board member and some family members, traveled to Thailand and Myanmar in January to discover together how the Good News of Jesus is being made known to people groups in this part of the... read more →
by Donald Mardsen, Associate Director + Walter Varvel, Frontier Fellowship board member Alinur and his wife, Amina, were born and raised in Muslim families in northwest Central Asia. For 18 years, Alinur suffered from acute asthma, a condition which progressed and became life-threatening because his family lived over... read more →
by Brad Coon, Associate Director for Development + Research Frontier Fellowship's staff, along with a board member and some family members, traveled to Thailand and Myanmar in January to discover together how the Good News of Jesus is being made known to people groups in this part of... read more →
by Katie Archibald-Woodward, multimedia storyteller + ministry friend Frontier Fellowship's staff, along with a board member and some family members, traveled to Thailand and Myanmar in January to discover together how the Good News of Jesus is being made known to people groups in this part of the... read more →