I heard a pastor recently talk about Jesus the King in the context of the Palm Sunday parade heralding Him as David’s heir and Israel’s king. Hosanna, Son of David! Ride on, ride on in majesty. Of course, we modern disciples know that Jesus’ kingship was a subversive one, emphasizing servanthood and humility. In retrospect, the obvious clue was Jesus riding into town on a donkey.
One emphasis caught my attention. The pastor grew animated as he declared that all people need the healing and help this Messiah-King brings. All are wounded and broken, slaves to self-interest. Everyone needs transformation—physical, moral and spiritual. And so the world’s unreached peoples are not only missing the Good News about salvation; they are left out of the healing and transformation experience Jesus brings to His followers.
It hardly seems fair.
So are we post-colonial Western elites who know better when it comes to religion? Or are we beggars alert to show other beggars where real food can be found? Holy Week tells the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross where He makes atonement for sin. And Resurrection Sunday is the moment of victory when His sacrifice is vindicated. The hallelujah moment unleashes God’s power over death, disease, sin and brokenness. Pentecost bestows God’s Spirit on the disciples. Jesus is alive and His Spirit is taking that life and power around the world.
Yes, there is a role for us disciples. We are part of the chain of witnesses. We are passing on the story. We are contagious with hope. We have tasted life abundant and we are moving toward life eternal.
If the news is this good, we had better tell the world!
—Richard Haney, Executive Director
Yes we are! Thank you for reminding us.
Thanks for reading, Bobbi! Hope you had a wonderful Easter.