Most children learn the alphabet, and for good reason. These 26 letters, A through Z—a core set of building blocks—extend into almost every aspect of our lives. The ABCs of frontier mission ministry can be complicated, as we interact with peoples representing diverse cultures, worldviews and religious traditions.... read more →
by Kristin Huffman, Associate Director The weather is getting cooler, even in central Texas where I live—fall is here! According to the ads on TV and the internet, and the decorations being put up at the mall and some homes, Christmas is coming! I’ll admit, I love the Christmas... read more →
by Rita Johnson, Associate Director Frontier Fellowship cares deeply about the world’s least-reached peoples. As crises unfold worldwide, we are moved to respond, compelled by Christ’s compassion. Despite news of the Afghan refugee crisis dwindling from the events of the summer, the needs of Afghan refugees remain pressing... read more →
by George Pendergrass, Associate Director People often ask me, “What does it mean to be a mission mobilizer?” My wife, Pamela, and I had that same question when we felt God call us into ministry with Frontier Fellowship. As we considered our role as mobilizers, we recalled meeting... read more →
by Richard Haney, Executive Director In the remote southwestern Ethiopian town of Maji, our first executive director Harold Kurtz experienced a life-changing moment when he had the opportunity to share the Good News of God’s Kingdom with the Dizi people. He stumbled through the presentation in Amharic, which was then translated... read more →
by Denise Sciuto, Associate Director One of the gifts of traveling to be with our partners in Africa is meeting the new Christians. Each one has a unique and inspiring story. On my last trip to Uganda, I was blessed to meet Mark*, a student at the church... read more →
by Renee Gillespie, Communications + Marketing Specialist Scott Erickson is an artist and creative who ‘mixes autobiography, mythology and aesthetics to create art and moments that speak to our deepest experiences.’ I’ve been following Scott’s art for some time now and always find myself simultaneously challenged and... read more →
by Kristin Huffman, Associate Director It was 9 o’clock and I finally had my chance to slip away from the team and crawl into bed for a long sleep. We were six days into a 10-day mission trip to Ethiopia and I was tired and full to the... read more →
by Donald Marsden, Associate Director One of my favorite films is Fiddler on the Roof. The events take place in the Russian Empire in the early 1900s, a time of social unrest and revolution. After 25 years of marriage Tevye, a poor Jewish dairyman, and his wife Golde, have... read more →
by Renee Gillespie, Marketing + Communications Specialist and Sevanand, a Frontier Fellowship partner in South Asia The devastation of COVID-19 has left no community unaffected, from the mountain villages of Afghanistan to the loft apartments of New York City. All of our global partners have been forced to... read more →