by Tara Chase, Communications Director
“When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—the moon and the stars you set in place—what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet…” —Psalm 8:3-5
You’ve probably heard the phrase “one in a million” to describe a person who stands out from the crowd in a particularly special way. Last fall, the United Nations declared November 15, 2022, as the approximate day when the world’s population reached eight billion people!
It’s not hard to wonder about the meaning and significance of my life when I consider that I am just one of eight billion people walking the earth today. I’ve been spending time recently learning astrophotography and hiking around my home region in Northern California. Watching the night sky and craning my neck to see the canopy of a redwood grove towering above me, I begin to relate to David’s musings in Psalm 8. What are mere mortals that You, God, would care for them?
And yet…
Those little words hold so much hope and love. Yes, we live in a vast universe on a phenomenally-populated planet in a tiny span of human history. And yet…God so loved this world—every single one of us, and all of creation—that He sent Jesus to save us and remind us that we matter, that we are loved and that we have a place of belonging in His family.
As we face into another new year, my vocation with Frontier Fellowship calls me to help point followers of Jesus to the more than 2 billion people on earth who do not yet have access to the Gospel. God created you, specially-designed and uniquely-equipped, to help share the Good News of Jesus in ways perhaps only you can. You’re one in eight billion!
We’d love to help you discern your God-given role in making the Gospel known among the world’s least-reached peoples. To learn more, contact our team to speak with a mobilizer or explore the resources available on our website.
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