Rev. Dan McNerney
Dan’s calling to frontier mission led him from working as an agriculture commodities trader after graduating from Yale to serving as a church planter in Costa Rica during the early 1980s. Following his return from Costa Rica in 1985, Dan pursued his Master of Divinity degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and became an ordained minister. He went on to serve the same church in which he grew up and led many short-term mission teams in cross-cultural settings such as Mexico and East Africa.
Dan has been on staff with Frontier Fellowship for over 25 years, pioneering work in Latin America, Europe and the Middle East. He’s currently engaged in Middle Eastern mission initiatives, counseling and mobilizing American churches to engage in missional practices and bridge-building efforts with Muslim leaders and communities in the US and beyond. He also serves as Frontier Fellowship’s Senior Associate, helping oversee and manage our team of frontier mission mobilizers. Dan and his wife, Sharon, have five children.