

Frontier Fellowship invites believing communities to engage people groups where the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom is not yet known. Watch our video now!

Every People

Of the 8 billion people alive today, more than two billion have never heard of Jesus. That reality compels us to engage the world’s least-reached places, supporting efforts to establish local churches that can proclaim the Good News of God’s Kingdom to their communities and beyond. We long to see all people, from every distinct group on earth, encounter the grace of God and become thriving expressions of the Body of Christ in their unique contexts.

Our Story

Every Church

We believe God gives His Church the privilege of creating avenues of access between the message of the Gospel and those who haven’t had an opportunity to hear it. It’s not a calling reserved for “specialists”—it’s an invitation to ordinary people entrusted with the most extraordinary message. That’s why we’re committed to uplifting the faithfulness and unity of congregations worldwide to serve as wellsprings of mission initiative.

Partners & Projects

Frontier Stories

The Unreached

Unreached people groups are ethno-linguistic communities with little or no access to the Gospel. Researchers estimate there are over two billion people from more than 6,500 unique groups in the world today who’ve never heard about Jesus.

Why Frontier Mission?

God’s grace toward us through Jesus motivates our compassion for those who still lack access to this Good News. We engage in His mission of reconciling the world to Himself by creating opportunities for others to encounter the Gospel. And as more and more people respond, we see and proclaim God’s glory together with greater clarity and beauty.

Your Role

Just as Jesus drew near to us, we move toward those who haven’t heard the Good News. We believe there’s no greater purpose to which we can commit our time, energy and resources, and we want to help you explore how God calls you to participate.