“For this reason the promise depends on faith, in order that it may rest on grace, so that it may be guaranteed to all his descendants, not only to the adherents of the law but also to those who share the faith of Abraham (who is the father of all of us)…” —Romans 4:16
God asked Abraham to do a seemingly impossible and confusing thing: willingly sacrifice his only son, Isaac. Here, we see another shadow or type of Christ and His sacrifice. Abraham and Isaac were spared because God provided a ram. Jesus—God’s only Son—was not spared, but was sent to earth specifically to die, to be our sacrificial lamb. It was the ultimate expression of grace.
Like Abraham and Isaac, we, too, have been spared. It is all the same story—from the promise that rested on Old Testament grace, to the fulfillment of New Testament grace and the victory of the risen Christ. The story continues today as followers of Jesus carry the hope of the Gospel to the far-reaching parts of the world.
Aditya, a South Asian electrician, was electrocuted on the job and became disabled. He believed in witchcraft and worshiped Hindu idols but had no peace, either before or after his accident. Perhaps in his weakness, he gave more thought to his dissatisfaction. New Life South Asia sent church planters to his village, and Aditya heard about Jesus for the very first time. Aditya shared, “Pastor Viraj prayed for me, and I was filled with peace. Now, I live for Jesus Christ! I praise God for sending Viraj to share the Good News of Jesus with me.”
We share the faith of Abraham, the peace of Aditya. During Advent, take time to reflect on this glorious grace and the promise of the Savior who has come and is coming again.
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