“…who saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace, and this grace was given to us in Christ Jesus before the ages began…” —2 Timothy 1:9
“Before the ages began…” This gift of grace, Jesus, was planned according to God’s purpose before Creation! Christ’s coming was not Plan B initiated after humankind had sinned. It was God’s original plan. He knew us from before time began and His grace extends beyond time. That’s the glorious message of Advent.
No human effort or striving will save us. We see this demonstrated over and over throughout Scripture. Those who tried to earn merit through obedience to the Law alone eventually failed. But the good news always was—and is still now—that grace comes only through Christ. Prophesied, promised, present and coming again, Jesus came to save us and has “called us with a holy calling.”
As we respond to God’s call, we see His purposes unfold. We make this journey knowing His grace accompanies us, just as foretold, enabling us to step forward in faith. For Haley, a new leg of the journey started when she and nine others from her church in the US began meeting with Muslim neighbors in a church-to-mosque effort to build relationships through peaceful, structured dialogues.
Over time, Haley developed a passion for sharing the Good News of Jesus among least-reached—primarily Muslim—communities. She began making trips to the Arabian Peninsula to explore long-term ministry opportunities. Just recently, she decided to move to the Middle East and commit her life to sharing the hope, love and kindness of Jesus with least-reached peoples on the Arabian Peninsula. What a beautiful example of loving your neighbor as yourself and of God’s gracious calling!
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