“…and the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” —1 Timothy 1:14
The Apostle Paul shares his testimony in this first chapter of 1 Timothy. As he tells of his own sin and God’s great mercy, he acknowledges God saved him so others could witness the “immense patience” and love available to all who “would believe in him and receive eternal life” (verse 16).
We have all sinned and need God to redeem us, forgive us and give us new life. This is God’s grace beyond measure. No matter the context or content of our sins and struggles, our failings and former unbelief, there is hope! Advent is a time to ponder that hope, that gift, and, like Paul, give God the glory.
Miriam is a single mother in Central Asia. In her culture, men typically provide most of the financial stability for the family, and Miriam struggled to make ends meet. She turned to prostitution to provide for her son. In her feelings of shame and hopelessness, Miriam tried to take her own life. When she awoke in the intensive care unit of the local hospital, she met two women. These women were faithful friends to Miriam and were able to share the Good News of Jesus with her. Soon, by God’s grace, Miriam chose to follow Jesus and committed her life to sharing this hope with others. Now, she joins her church in serving their least-reached community and extends the life-changing message of the Gospel with those who have not heard.
Miriam’s life is just one example of the lives being changed by Christ and His love. Each day, Frontier Fellowship partners and colleagues share the Good News among the least-reached—pray that many more will find hope in God’s measureless mercy and grace!
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