“Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.” —Matthew 7:7
While walking along a rural path in Nepal, Associate Director Cody Watson met a man from the Magar people group. In broken Nepali, Cody greeted him with the words, “Jesus loves you.” The Magar man paused for a moment, then responded, “Who is Jesus?”
Cody didn’t know enough Nepali to answer the man’s question. But he and the vision trip team he was leading were traveling with indigenous partners who quickly stepped in and shared the Good News of Jesus with the inquisitive Magar man.
People worldwide are asking big questions: Who am I? What is the purpose of life? Is God real? What happens when I die? Many least-reached peoples, when hearing about Jesus, are curious to know more. Questions open doors for conversation and friendship. Frontier Fellowship’s global partners meet regularly with inquiring people to dialogue about their questions and share more about Jesus and the life He offers.
Frontier mission thrives when followers of Jesus ask big questions, too. Who are the world’s least-reached peoples? Where are they? What hopes and concerns do they have? How can the Gospel be communicated to them in a contextualized way? How is God inviting me to participate in sharing the Good News of Jesus with those who have not yet heard it?
Invite God to ignite your curiosity about least-reached peoples and your role in frontier mission. Do you want to learn more? Ask us at info@frontierfellowship.com.
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