In 1974, mission strategist Ralph Winter sounded a call for the Church to engage with the frontier. He maintained that unless someone overcame cultural and linguistic barriers, those living on the frontier would likely never hear the Good News of Jesus.
In the decades since Winter’s historic speech, many barriers have been overcome to bring the Good News of Jesus to least-reached peoples worldwide—Bible translation efforts have been fruitful, indigenous church planters are carrying the hope of the Gospel to their neighboring communities and many have experienced dreams and visions of Jesus that have transformed entire people groups. Obstacles to Gospel access still remain and need to be overcome, but we know and trust the One who has already overcome the world.
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” —John 16:33 (NIV)
When Jesus tells His disciples that He has overcome the world, He’s preparing them for His death. At the end of Advent, this tiny baby will overcome the darkness of the womb and fill the world with His light. He will grow up to be crucified and placed in a tomb. But He will overcome even death itself! Surely there is no challenge too great for Jesus to overcome in us, through us and with us, for the sake of a world that is waiting.
When you think of sharing the Good News of Jesus with others, what barriers get in your way? Ask God to guide you and the global Church in overcoming every obstacle that remains to sharing the Gospel with all peoples.
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