A team in a Central Asian nation is working to translate the Bible into a language spoken by tens of millions of people throughout the region, creating avenues of Gospel access in a least-reached part of the globe. Funds for this project support the ongoing translation effort.
We believe it’s imperative for every people group to have access to the Good News of Jesus in a language they understand. The Central Asian Bible Translation team is working to make that a reality for millions of people who speak a particular language in Central Asia. Your gift helps equip these translators in their work and provides the necessary tools to complete this crucial translation. DONATE NOW
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Central Asia—which includes the six republics of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan—is home to nearly 200 million people. Bible translation efforts in this region are crucial in bringing Gospel access to these least-reached peoples. This particular translation will help provide tens of millions with access to the Good News of Jesus in their heart language.