by Kristin Huffman, Mission Advocate Each of us connect with God in unique and beautiful ways. Over the past couple weeks of Lent, we’ve meditated on God’s Word and emptied... read more →
by Kristin Huffman, Mission Advocate When I was young, my dad taught me the practice of “dumping out your mind,” and it became one of the most-utilized spiritual exercises... read more →
by Kristin Huffman, Mission Advocate Spending time in Scripture is one of the ways we make space for God in our minds and souls. When we focus our attention... read more →
by Kristin Huffman, Mission Advocate Today (February 22) is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent. Originally meaning “springtime,” Lent is a season in the Church calendar that... read more →
by Tara Chase, Communications Director “When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—the moon and the stars you set in place—what are... read more →
by Bradley Long, Associate Director Full confession—I am a crier. I tear up watching TV, especially when watching movies that are sweet or sappy. I cried tears of... read more →
“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood." —John 1:14 (MSG) Christmas is here—our Savior has come! We've spent some time this Advent season with a... read more →
“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all…" —Titus 2:11 As we reach the end of our Advent journey and enter the joy of Christmas Eve,... read more →
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" —Matthew 28:19 For many... read more →
“This is the one of whom the prophet Isaiah spoke when he said, ‘The voice of one crying out in the wilderness: 'Prepare the way of the Lord;... read more →