WEEK TWO | DAY FOUR | PSALM 63:3-8 Written in France in the mid-1800s, this song spread by word of mouth across Europe and North America. But it... read more →
WEEK TWO | DAY THREE | JOHN 1:1-14 Jesuit priest Father Jean de Brébeuf wrote this song in the Huron language in 1643, setting it to the tune... read more →
WEEK TWO | DAY TWO | ISAIAH 61:1-2 For many, sadness, grief and lament make it difficult to enter the joy and anticipation of the holiday season. This... read more →
WEEK TWO | DAY ONE | LUKE 2:8-20 Adapted from a traditional French carol, this song originally appeared as an eight-stanza dialogue between a choir of shepherds and... read more →
As we enter week 2 of Advent, we celebrate the coming of Christ. We revel in the angels' announcement and the enthusiasm of the shepherds as they called others... read more →
Due to publisher's permissions, we are unable to share the song lyrics for today's entry online. Visit this page for ways to interact with today's song. WEEK ONE |... read more →
WEEK ONE | DAY SIX | MATTHEW 1:1-17 "True man, yet very God"—from Jesse's line blooms the promised Savior. In much of the world, genealogies are an important... read more →
WEEK ONE | DAY FIVE | ISAIAH 11:1-10 Each verse of this beloved Advent hymn points to the Good News that God has come and is coming. Fear... read more →
WEEK ONE | DAY FOUR | ISAIAH 40:5 This beautiful song from Handel's Messiah looks toward the day when all will see and acknowledge God’s glory. Its lyric—a... read more →
WEEK ONE | DAY THREE | HEBREWS 1:1-9 The lyrics of this song come from a poem dating back to the 400s. The author, Spanish lawyer and judge... read more →