Grace, whose Greek translation ‘charis’ means “gift,” is indeed the crowning expression of the story of Christmas. Though “Joy,” “Noel” and “Peace” most commonly adorn the Christmas season, the entire Advent story is wrapped in grace—woven throughout all of Scripture, not just in the cherished Gospel passages. Long before the baby was laid in the manger, God had already laid out the plan of redemption…
We can’t understand the full meaning of Advent without reflecting on the story of grace across all Scripture and human history. Advent recalls the longing for a Savior, centuries of waiting and the prophecies and promise of the Messiah. It celebrates His arrival, sacrifice, resurrection and return. This is the story of grace to come.
The saving grace of Jesus is woven into every page of the Bible. From the beginning, grace is God’s response to our rebellion. Stories throughout Scripture echo the promise of a coming Savior—Jesus, the unmerited and undeserved gift of grace. We see God’s gracious hand at work in the lives of people throughout the Old Testament. We see grace in action and hints, shadows and prophecies of Grace to come. No Old Testament figure could keep the Law perfectly, yet God makes a way. He preserves, protects, forgives and demonstrates grace repeatedly.
In the New Testament, God’s grace is present and available, culminating in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God the Father showed grace and sent Grace in the person of Christ, His Son and our Savior. God had the grace to come, be born as a baby, grow to adulthood, experience human suffering, heal, teach and then die a terrible death. Resurrected, He offered grace that can restore and redeem relationships with Him and each other.
As we celebrate Jesus’ birth, may we be awed by the reality that there is still more grace to come. What Christ offered as He walked among the disciples, He offers to us and millions around the world who still need to hear the Story. Grace anticipated, Grace among us, and even greater Grace to come.
This small devotional can only begin to tell the whole story. We pray it points you to God’s Word, His grace, His world and those in your community.
Much of Frontier Fellowship’s ministry is neighbor-to-neighbor—and the world holds many neighborhoods! Discover how—through your support—God’s grace is expanding wider, deeper and farther to the world’s least-reached neighborhoods.
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