by Richard Haney, Frontier Fellowship Executive Director
Luke’s nativity story tells us Jesus was born in humble circumstances, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a feeding trough. Yet this child was destined to become a king. Handel’s oratorio, Messiah, echoes scripture in declaring that He is more than an ordinary king: “King of kings and Lord of lords; and He shall reign forever and ever.”
Jesus has other names and titles—Savior, Prince of Peace, Good Shepherd. His first disciples met Him as Rabbi and gradually realized He was the Son of God and long-awaited Messiah, come to deliver humanity from sin and lead the way to eternal life. Such gifts of grace are hallmarks of the Kingdom and bestowed by the King.
What kind of Kingdom is this? An upside-down Kingdom where the King is a humble servant. A Kingdom of shalom where love, joy and peace mend the human condition.
Jesus the King reigns and His rule brings life abundant. Jesus told His followers that He not only brings life to the full, but is Himself the Resurrection and the Life. Life abundant is eternal life begun. Life eternal is abundant life complete.
The world is waiting for us to tell this joyful news of Jesus and His Kingdom, bringing shalom to every nation, tribe, people and language.
Joy to the world. The Lord is come.
Let earth receive her King.
Read the rest of our daily devotional series for the Advent season.
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