In mountainous, rural areas of Central Asia, high unemployment rates and gender inequality lead to despair and family dysfunction including domestic violence. Women, desperate to feed their families, can be at risk of human trafficking or other forms of exploitation. Women’s Shelter: Mountains provides housing and other services to these women and their children. They have also developed a domestic violence prevention program and are training community leaders throughout the region. Followers of Jesus on staff at the shelter are sharing God’s love in word and deed with women and children, helping them heal from physical and emotional wounds and prepare for lives free of violence.
Your gift to Women’s Shelter: Mountains (WSM) has a direct impact on WSM’s daily operations as they share the Good News of Jesus—in word and deed—with least-reached peoples living in rural areas of a Central Asian nation. While the needs of the shelter are always best determined by the local directors, here are examples of what your giving helps provide: qualified staffing, electricity, heating, meals, clothing, bedding, training classes, counseling, childcare and much more. DONATE NOW
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The presence of Christ-following staff and volunteers infuses the social services with redemptive healing. The workers at this shelter are the hands and feet of Christ to women and children in great need. These communities are located in regions where there are few followers of Jesus, and the workers at this shelter may be the only Christians that the women will develop meaningful relationships with in their lifetimes.