NOOR Network is passionate about sharing the Gospel in word and deed among several least-reached people groups in South Asia. NOOR, an acronym for “No One Out of Reach,” is the word for “light” in some of the language groups this network serves. Through NOOR Network’s holistic approach—which includes discipling new Christ-followers, leadership development, church planting, women’s empowerment groups, children’s after-school programs and medical and disaster relief work—least-reached communities are finding hope and new life in Jesus.



Your gift to NOOR Network supports their frontier mission efforts as they share the Gospel in word and deed among least-reached communities in South Asia through ministry activities such as discipleship formation, church planting, women’s empowerment groups, children’s after-school programs, medical and relief work and more. DONATE NOW

Frontier Fellowship regularly facilitates virtual and in-person vision trips to see firsthand how God is at work through our global partners. Click here for updated information and available opportunities.

Informed intercession is vital to frontier mission. Through prayer, we partner with God as He changes hearts and crosses borders. Visit our Pray page to view and download our prayer guides, or to join our prayer team.

Our team of mobilizers is ready to help you engage with NOOR Network. To take the next step in your frontier mission journey, contact us here.


NOOR Network is reaching unreached people groups from six distinct ethno-linguistic groups in South Asia, opening avenues of access for thousands of Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and ethnic religious groups to hear the Gospel for the first time. Through this network, leaders conduct community outreaches that provide tangible hope and the message of Jesus among South Asian families living in villages, impoverished areas and urban city centers.