Kasr El Dobara Evangelical Church (KDEC), located in Cairo, Egypt, is the largest Protestant church in the Arab world. For the past 20 years, it has been training, equipping, mobilizing and sending church planters throughout the Middle East and Europe to share the Good News of Jesus with Arabic speakers and establish indigenous churches in unreached areas.
Funds given for the special opportunities listed below support Kasr El Dobara Evangelical Church’s (KDEC) frontier mission efforts as they train, equip, mobilize and send church planters to share the Good News of Jesus with Arabic speakers throughout the Middle East and Europe.
Arab Outreach:
Funds for this project provide support for a team of church planters from KDEC who are reaching out to inquiring Arabs on the Arabian Peninsula in culturally honoring and compassionate ways with Arabic Bibles and other Christian teaching resources. DONATE NOW
KDEC Church Planters
Many Middle Eastern nations look to Egypt as a cultural, economic and political leader. Egypt also leads the Arab world with the highest number of Christians. God has given Egyptian followers of Jesus a vision to share the Gospel and is using KDEC to pioneer frontier mission movements in the Middle East and beyond. Funds for this project help KDEC train, equip, send and support church planters who are responding to the overwhelming interest among Muslims to know more about Jesus. DONATE NOW
Frontier Fellowship regularly facilitates virtual and in-person vision trips to see firsthand how God is at work through our global partners. Click here for updated information and available opportunities.
Informed intercession is vital to frontier mission. Through prayer, we partner with God as He changes hearts and crosses borders. Visit our Pray page to view and download our prayer guides, or to subscribe to our monthly frontier prayer email.
For the first time in recent history, Egypt is sending church planters into the Arabic-speaking world. Especially in the last 40 years, there has been an awakening of Arab Muslims towards the Gospel message. Today, there are now over 300 Egyptian workers doing frontier mission work among Arabic-speaking people, and Kasr El Dobara Evangelical Church is central to that movement.