The Bible Society of Egypt, in cooperation with all Christian denominations, produces Bibles and various Scripture materials for all of Egypt. In addition, it provides education about the history of the Bible in order to emphasize its reliability and veracity. This partner is currently working to translate the Good News of Jesus into new languages and dialects, enabling many more people throughout the Middle East to have access to God’s Word.
Your gift to the Bible Society of Egypt helps them translate the Bible and other Christian materials into Arab languages and dialects, enabling people throughout the Middle East to have access to God’s Word. DONATE NOW
Colloquial Arabic Bible Translation
The Bible Society of Egypt (BSOE) is currently working to translate the Bible into colloquial Arabic. Translated directly from the original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic, this translation will open avenues of Gospel access for Arabic speakers in their heart language. Frontier Fellowship is excited to partner with BSOE as they work on this significant translation. Your gift will support translation efforts, which will have a far-reaching impact in the Arab world. DONATE NOW
Frontier Fellowship regularly facilitates virtual and in-person vision trips to see firsthand how God is at work through our global partners. Click here for updated information and available opportunities.
Informed intercession is vital to frontier mission. Through prayer, we partner with God as He changes hearts and crosses borders. Visit our Pray page to view and download our prayer guides, or to join our prayer team.
As the Bible has been translated into Arabic and Coptic, it has become accessible to majority people groups in Egypt. The Good News of Jesus is being discovered by people of multiple backgrounds, and we praise God for His faithfulness! The Bible Society of Egypt (BSOE) is making this possible through the services and products they provide. As this Good News travels through homes and communities in Egypt, it will also be shared among neighboring nations. We pray that God would use the work of BSOE to bring hope to many least-reached people groups in the Middle East.