Arab Discipleship helps empower new Muslim-background believers in the Arabian Peninsula through ongoing Bible instruction, counseling and leadership training. They have formed a local worshiping community, which meets regularly, and also periodically take Muslim-background believers on retreat in a nearby nation for renewal, healing and spiritual training and growth. Your support helps this ministry disciple and equip followers of Jesus in the Arab world, supporting and encouraging them in practical ways as they learn to walk out their faith in Jesus.
Your gift to Arab Discipleship supports their frontier mission efforts among Muslim-background believers in the Arabian Peninsula, enabling them to disciple and equip new followers of Jesus and expanding access to the Gospel in this region. DONATE NOW
Frontier Fellowship regularly facilitates virtual and in-person vision trips to see firsthand how God is at work through our global partners. Click here for updated information and available opportunities.
Informed intercession is vital to frontier mission. Through prayer, we partner with God as He changes hearts and crosses borders. Visit our Pray page to view and download our prayer guides, or to subscribe to our monthly frontier prayer email.
Arab Discipleship is responding to the overwhelming interest among Arab Muslims in the Middle East to know more about Jesus. Through this partnership, Muslim-background believers are growing deeper in their faith and being equipped to share the Good News with their friends, families and communities. This Kingdom work is crucial in allowing the roots of the Gospel to grow deeper throughout the region.